Security License Training is a growing industry in the security industry. Security Officers is responsible for protecting businesses and properties from theft and other criminal acts. Security officers protect against crimes such as vandalism, burglary, terrorism, and embezzlement, amongst others. Security license training courses are designed to ensure that Security Officers have been properly trained and have the knowledge required for the job.
Security license training includes information about crime prevention, the law and the various types of security systems that exist in the security industry. The training course includes practical lessons on day-to-day duties for a Security Officer and courses in theory including criminology, investigation, apprehension, surveillance and security systems. Security officer jobs are available in many areas. They range from a small individual security officer to a large corporation employing thousands of security officers. Security officer jobs may involve working at airports, courthouses, government buildings and private firms.
Security officer jobs are available in the US Navy, the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives oracular Devices (BAED) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Security officer jobs may also be found in the US Army, the Marines, the DEA, National Transportation Safety Board, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Peace Corps. Security officer jobs are not limited to security officer roles. They can also include detective work and are employed in the medical field, public safety and environmental industries.
Security license training prepares individuals for security officer jobs by teaching students the same type of courses as those taken by civilian security officers. This includes mathematics, chemistry, physics, risk assessment and investigation. Security officers are also required to undergo background checks and drug testing. Security officers are subject to disciplinary actions if their conduct falls below the standards of the profession. Security licensing programs are required to teach students how to deal with troubled teens, how to identify potential security threats and how to respond to all of them.
Security officer jobs are a crucial component of homeland security due to their valuable and important position in maintaining public safety. Without security officer jobs, law enforcement officials would not be able to protect the public. Today, nearly every state requires aspiring security officers to pass the federal Security Officer Test (SOET) before they will be able to take the test and begin to hunt for a Security Officer Job. The National Security Training Academy is one of the best-known schools for security officer jobs and is accredited by the United States Department of Defense.
For individuals who have yet to take the test, there are a number of online sources that offer preparation courses for securing security officer jobs. The Security Exchange and Security Partner Internet Security School are an excellent resource for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in security officer training. Security Exchange offers training in everything from terrorism awareness and sensitivity to firearms regulation and crime scene clean up. Security Exchange also offers online classes in security engineering, forensic psychology and computer crime investigations.
In addition to the online courses offered by Security Exchange, Security Partner offers a classroom course in tactical planning, strategic thinking and risk management. Students can earn their Security Officer Security Associate Degree online, through the Security Partner Certification Program (SPCP), or through the Security Exchange Security Associate Degree program. Security Exchange has been offering online courses for more than a decade, and many students return to the program later on in their careers. Security Exchange also offers courses in criminal justice, public safety and information technology, which will prepare the students for positions in those fields. The program trains students to work as security officers in a variety of capacities, including field personnel and supervisors, in the office and field, or as security consultants.
Security Officer jobs require a great deal of knowledge of a variety of subjects and expertise in a number of technical skills. Security Officers must be detail oriented, highly organized and detail oriented, as well as have a good work ethic. To become one, you need to have an associate’s degree and be eligible for licensure after five years of security officer training and service. Security companies prefer experienced personnel to fill Security Officer jobs.